The countdown method is an important step in fishing any lure that sinks. Naturally, there will be exceptions and variations, but basically a lure falls in water at the rate of one foot per second. The instant the lure hits the surface of the water, retrieve any slack line, keeping the rod tip out in front of you and start counting, “one thousand and one, one thousand and two, etc. until you reach 10. At that point your lure should be about 10 feet deep. If you let it go all the way to the bottom on the first cast, you can approximate the depth of the water.
To catch fish you must concern yourself with the depth at which the fish are to be found at a given time and the depth at which your lure is swimming. The idea is to work the lure just above the fish, or at the same level. Naturally, this method can vary depending upon the size of the line and weight of the lure, but on the average it is accurate.
What is the “Countdown Method”?